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As darkness fights the light, we need a dimming protocol

protocol2018page1Almost a year ago, our own Pete Borchetta wrote an article for the Spring Protocol issue entitled “Mains dimming for LEDs – Why?”. Following the publishing of the article, a number of focused questions were asked specifically about the dimming performance metrics in the article itself. These questions pointed directly to a problem with dimming LEDs today which is whether they are controlled directly via DMX512 or driven by dimmers, there is no metric to measure and quantify dimming performance.

Up until this point, what we know about dimming is from our experiences with lamps dimming in an incandescent world. In the past, our dimming curves and reaction times of filaments depended on a number of physical factors, from the dimming system performance and type, as well as the size of the lamp’s envelope, and the size and shape of the lamp’s filament.

So as a follow-up, Pete once again takes us into the world of dimming technology with “As darkness fights the light, we need a dimming protocol” in the new issue of Protocol Magazine.

Click here to read the article pdf from Protocol Magazine

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